1. KEEP IT SIMPLE . Long-term health and fitness shouldn’t be complicated. Life is already complicated enough — so adding a complex plan to the mix is a recipe for stress, frustration and burnout.
You don’t need a fancy program, the perfect gym, a special class or fancy equipment. Not saying all those things aren't amazing to have, but they aren't required to crush a goal. You don’t have to read every article out there on the subject either. Start with what you already know or reach out to someone you trust that has some knowledge to help you get started.
Just do what you can now and add to it later when you’re ready. It’s easier to stay on track when you have a plan that’s on your side and simple to carry out.
More simplicity = less excuses.
2. Be CONSISTENT. Inconsistency is an absolute goal-killer. If you want to change something, you have to be consistent with your efforts. “Every once in a while” is simply not gonna cut it. You can have the best laid plans in mind but if you’re not completing it on a regular basis, it will fail. Even the smallest efforts, when done consistently over time, create lasting change!!!!!
Yes, there are actual valid reasons to skip a workout sometimes. But “I don’t feel like it today” isn’t good enough. And, yes, if you’re brutally honest with yourself, you really can tell the difference. Here’s the thing about motivation: some days you’ll be all jazzed up ready to go and some days it’ll leave you high and dry. Don’t wait for motivation to fall out of the sky. The trick is learning to be consistent, with or without the presence of motivation.
If consistency truly is a problem for you, sit yourself down and ask what’s really standing in your way. Maybe you need shorter workouts, maybe you need to change the time of day, maybe you need the support of a group or maybe you’re making it too complicated. Whatever it is, fix it.
Honor your commitment to yourself by showing up every day and doing the work that needs to be done, whether you “feel like it” or not. If you want to master something, master consistency — I promise it’ll change your life.